Our team


Graduate students

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Félix Cloutier-Artiwat

NSERC Canada Graduate Scholar

Sulfur cycling along redox gradients in ice-covered arctic lakes

2024-now: M.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.
2021-2023: B.Sc. Chimie et bioressources, UQAR.


Laurie Martin

Analysis and Mobilisation of Radium in Tailing Management Lake from Elliot Lake

Supervisor: D. Larivière

2023-now: M.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.
2021-2023: B.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.
2017-2021 : DEC, Laboratory Technology (Analytical Chemistry) Program, CEGEP de Valleyfield


Kimia Motevalli

Modelling oxythermal conditions and light environments in Arctic lakes.

Co-supervisor: I. Laurion

2021-now: Ph.D. Chimie, U. Laval.
2015-2018: M.Sc. Water resource engineering, Tehran Polytechnic, Iran.
2011-2015: B.Eng. Civil engineering, UST, Iran.


Thomas Bossé-Demers

Dynamics and geochemical signatures of sediment-bound rare earth elements in the Mackenzie delta region.

2020-now: Ph.D. Chimie, U. Laval.
2017-2019: M.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.
2014-2017: B.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.



Florence Mercier

NSERC Canada Graduate Scholar

Dynamics of redox-sensitive micronutriments in ice-covered meromictic lakes.

Co-supervisor : C. Girard

2023-now: M.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.
2020-2023: B.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.


Louis-Marc Bruneau Dumoulin

FRQNT Graduate Scholar

Retracing the trophic history of Lake Maskinongé (Mont-Tremblant, Canada) at the centennial scale using the paleolimnological approach

Supervisor: É. Saulnier-Talbot

2023-now: M.Sc. Geography, U. Laval.
2019-2023: B.Sc. Environment, U. Laval.
2008-2011 : DEC. Circus arts, National Circus School of Montreal.

Gabriel St-Pierre

Sediment porewater as indicators of the response of the Great Whale River to a major landslide. 

Co-supervisor : P. Archambault 

2022-now: M.Sc, Chimie, U. Laval
2019-2022: B. Sc. Biologie, U. Laval

Chloé Rivest

Mobility of rare earths in northern soils.

Co-supervisors: D. Larivière , K. Mueller

2022-now: M.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.
2019-2022: B.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.


Audrey Laberge-Carignan

Sentinelle North Graduate Scholar
Selenium and vanadium mobility along redox gradients in arctic aquatic environments. 

Co-supervisors: D. Larivière,
J. Molson

2020-now: Ph.D. Chimie, U. Laval.
2017-2019: M.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.
2014-2017: B.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.

Research profesionnal


Claude Bélanger, Ph.D.

Scientific computing

 Mary Thaler, Ph.D.

Scientific editing

Undergraduate research assistants

Past members

Daniel Fillion

NSERC Canada Graduate Scholar

Émission de composés organiques volatils par la photochimie de la matière organique dans les mares nordiques. 

Co-supervisor: F. Dominé

Now: PhD candidate at UQAR.

2021-2023: M.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.
2018-2021: B.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.

leclerc 2019

Émilie Leclerc

Arsenic mobility in sub-artic lake sediments impacted by mining activities.

Now: Scientist, Ministère de l'environnement, de la lutte aux changements climatiques, de la faune et des parcs (MELCCFP).

2018-2020: M.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.
2016-2018: B. Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.

Léo Chassiot, Ph.D.

Sentinelle Nord Postgraduate Fellow

Limnogeology of Lake Strathcona., Ellesmere. 

Supervisor: P. Lajeunesse

Now: Impact assessment specialist at Impact Assessment Agency of Canada.

2019-2020: Postdoc, Geography, U. Laval.
2017-2019: Postdoc, INRS-ETE.
2012-2016: Ph.D. Université Clermont-Auvergne.

Catherine Gagnon

NSERC Canada Graduate Scholar

Role of colloidal organic carbon on trace elements transport in sub-arctic surface waters.

Co-supervisor : J. Gigault

Now: Scientist, Ministère de l'environnement, de la lutte aux changements climatiques, de la faune et des parcs (MELCCFP).

2022-2024: M.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.
2019-2022: B.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.
2015-2017: M. Arch, Architecture, U.Laval
2012-2015: B.Sc. Architecture, U. Laval.


Allyson Dalpé

Distribution des métabolites inorganiques du cycle du soufre dans les lacs

Now: Environmental scientist at Englobe.

2021-2023: M.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.
2018-2020: B.Sc. Chimie de l’environnement, UQAR.


Marianne Côté

Modeling fish oxythermal and optical habitats in boreal lakes.

Now: Biologist at GCM Consultants.

2019-2022: M.Sc. Chimie, U. Laval.
2017-2019: B.Sc. Bio-informatique, U. Laval.
2014-2017: B.Sc. Biologie, UQAR.


Wessam Neweshy

Fate of phosphorus in lakes undergoing lanthanum-based remediation.

Now: STEM teacher at Noon Academy High School.

2019-2023: Ph.D. Chimie, U. Laval (on leave)
2015-2018: M.Sc. Marine geosciences.
U. Bremen/Max Plank Institute, Germany.
2009-2013: B.Sc. Geology, University of Cairo, Egypt.


Past members - Undergraduate research assistants


Maxime Del Mistro

Chemistry, 2024
Université Laval


Santiago Mareque

Chemistry, 2023
Université Laval


Florence Mercier

Chemistry, 2022
Université Laval


Julien Bellavance

Information technology, 2019
Université Laval


Éloise Giroux

Chemistry, 2024
Université Laval


Aurore Pouit

Civil and Environnemetnal Engineering, 2023
ENTPE, Lyon, France


Marie Demers

Chemistry, 2020 & 2021
Univeristé Laval


Sarah-Michèle Cormier

Chemistry, 2019
Université Laval

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Félix Cloutier-Artiwat

Chemistry, 2023


Audrey Gaudy

Chemistry, 2021
Université Laval


Marie Rheault-Leclair

Chemistry, 2019
Université Laval


Bya Ezzahr

DUT Chemistry, 2018
Université Paris-Est

Visiting researchers, past and present


Brandon Blanchette

Visiting MSc, 2023
Université de Montréal
Supervisor: R. Maranger


Diogo Ferreira

Visiting PhD, 2019-2021
Instituto Superior Técnico
University of Lisbon
Supervisor: J. Canário


Nicolas Messina

Visiting MSc, October 2018
Civil Engineering
University of Maine
Supervisor: A. Amirbahman


Leonor Carvahlo

Visiting MSc, 2023
Instituto Superior Técnico
University of Lisbon
Supervisor: J. Canário

Matilde Pereira

Matilde Pereira

Visiting MSc, 2022
Instituto Superior Técnico
University of Lisbon
Supervisor: J. Canário

Kateri Salk, Ph.D.

Visiting postdoc, June 2018 Environmental Geochemistry
University of Waterloo
Supervisor: S. Schiff


Cristiana Dias

Visiting MSc, 2022
Instituto Superior Técnico
University of Lisbon
Supervisor: J. Canário


Rachel Pilla, Ph.D.

Visiting PhD, 2019
Global Change Limnology
Miami University
Supervisor: C. Williamson